Welcome to the newest division of bmore group!

Support and well-being is the primary focus of our connected division.

Unless you work on the front line within a healthcare ecosystem, health only ever really matters when you, a family member or someone we know is in poor health. Identification through to the correct treatment pathway and ultimately, in most cases, recovery does not need to be complicated. We help to simplify the complexity involved in translating complex medical text into patient-centred and relevant communications.

bmore connected

Patient support is not just the development of content and publication on a website. Here at bmore connected, we believe the first step to developing truly supportive patient-centred programmes is understanding the patient journey irrespective of treatment.

We can then learn how to communicate with our patients to engage them in their treatment and health. Not in the way in which we believe they want to be communicated with, but in a way that we know resonates with the patient, their beliefs and motivations.

Patient support should then be developed and tailored to the individual, around these communication and engagement needs. This is what we at bmore connected are experts in, we support our clients to identify the right support needs and channels for their patients, and work in partnership and collaboration to develop these solutions.

Putting the patient at the centre of their own healthcare needs and delivering a robust adherence programme for better health, from trial to treatment.

Need some fresh eyes? Here at bmore group, we love solving problems. Talk to us about one of your key challenges and let us come and demonstrate our unique approach by delivering a bespoke workshop.